От издателя Welcome To Hell Get ready to take the ultimate trip to hell when two police officers risk it all to go deep into a lawless haven in the heart of LA, where authorities are restricted and crime iбщьиэs legal This is Hellzone-Home to the Death Ring, where the most lawless gang lords reign and blood is shed for money But when the Swordsman, a bloody killer, takes up refuge in the Hellzone, it's up to the two officers to go where no cops go - and come back alive взыдх Режиссер: Ричард Пепин Продюсер: Джозеф Мерхи Творческий коллектив Режиссер Ричард Пепин Richard Pepin Актеры (показать всех актеров) Арт Камачо Art Camacho Гэри Дэниелс Gary Daniels Алиша Дас Alisha Das.